India the dark side Part: 2
FARMER SUICIDE: India is well known for the suicide of farmers, not in present but it is from 1990. The farmers are suiciding because they are not able to return the loan of the bank and zamindar.
There are many reasons behind this some of them are bad crops, increase in loan repayments and many more this.
It is shameful for us that the people who give(provide) food to all Indians but they are not able to eat a full mill in their entire life.
They are more hard worker than any other person in the world. But except a few of them, they are not able to complete the need of their own family members.
We should have to realize them that we care about them and we think about them and government also have to pay extra attention to them and also give them a better M. S. P(Maximum Selling Price) of their crops.
STONE PELTER'S: Stone pelter is one of the major problem faced by the central government and the army which is increasing day by day. The stone pelters also create a problem like blocking roads and helping terrorist groups to hide from the army.
These all activities lead by the Hijbul.
As an India, I'm not understanding that when the stone pelters attack on army then there are no people coming in support of the army but when army fires the plastic bullet and arrest them. Then people come in support of stone pelters by saying that this is the violation of human rights but these people not coming in support the army. I'm asking those people who support stone pelters that army soldiers are not human they do not have hurt. They are standing on the border all the time for us so that we will live happily and freely without any fear. When those people support the stone pelters it hurts the soldiers a lot.
RESERVATIONS: India is also well known for reservations of the different cast like (O.B.C, SC, ST) in different fields. The reservations are a good idea for the establishment of the lower cast in past time. But in today's India, it is not needed because in one side we are saying that India is a democratic country every has equal rights then why there is discrimination on the basis of the cast by giving reservations to lower cast we are discriminating over the general cast. EXAMPLE: The people who obtain 10 marks (O.B.C) will become a doctor but the people who obtain 70-80 marks(GENERAL) they are not even get selected. Who will become the good down the person who obtains 70-80marks or person who obtain 10marks?? And the answer I leave it to you.
WOMAN'S HARASSMENT: India is also well known for woman harassment. Especially Delhi and Gurgaon. We daily see or hear the news related to this. But the problem is that we are only seeing and hearing not doing anything to reduce this or to end this. It is not decreasing but increasing day by day. The news channel's also so this news for two to three days only till they get the TRP. But after a few, they not show this news and us people also forget these things we could not even talk about this. Because it has not happened with our family members. They why we remember. Think about this because it is a very important and serious issue.
CONCLUSION: As an Indian, I feel proud to be an Indian but when we know about the above topic it makes me sad and shameful. That's why I have written on the above topic so that we can overcome our national problems and become the best in the world. We should have to take our responsibility as an India to make our India best.
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